Executive Members
Vishwananda Bobby Yerkiah
Vice President
Bobby is currently the vice president of the International Fiscal Association Mauritius Branch. He has been a member of the Association since 2009 and was elected executive member since 2017. He is a Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant of UK. He also hold a MCS in Finance and a LLB from the University of London.
Bobby is a tax specialist with over 20 years experience having worked at various big four firms. Bobby specializes in local and International Corporate Taxation He also worked on suspected tax evasion cases in the tax investigation department of the MRA. His experience includes tax due diligence assistance, tax assessment reviews, tax health checks and training
Bobby has advised a number of Multinational clients on complex transactions involving direct and indirect tax, accounting and regulatory issues He has extensive experience in the Mauritian Global business sector including global business structuring He assists clients globally for transfer pricing documentation and speaks in international conferences.